Monday, November 3, 2014

Thanksgiving Planning

Welcome to November!! Okay, I guess technically we are three days into the month already, but in EMM land, this is my first recipe of November, so it still counts! And with the coming of this new month, comes a promise from me. I am going to try my hardest to bring you some ideas for your Thanksgiving meal planning to save you time and energy, but will still make your family say "Yum!" Today is the first of those! 

Do you always look for new side dishes to serve? I know for me the couple times I've hosted the Turkey Day meal, the choice of meat was the first thing I decided upon. (Yes, one year I served ham instead of the traditional turkey; and it was fantastic. We really enjoyed it!) Then the "staples" were next. A potato dish, rolls, of course pumpkin pie for dessert. Those were easy. But then came the daunting task of finding sides, salads and veggies to complete our feast. The hard part wasn't so much choosing, but narrowing it down so we weren't eating the leftovers until New Year's. Plus, I'm the type of cook that always tries to throw a couple new, or updated, dishes into the mix. Knowing all of this, you can see why in my mind today is the day to start that menu brain storming! 

If you also like to fill your serving bowls with new, but familiar dishes, you're gonna love this one. Carrots. So simple. So "autumny" (Yeah, that's a word. I say so.) Usually in our house they are candied, with brown sugar and butter. But not this time. We've switched it up just a bit, and you are going to be so glad I did! If you love other veggies roasted, but have never tried the same method with carrots, you're missing out. They taste totally different after some time getting all happy in a hot oven. They come out still just a little crisp (Not crunchy. Just with a little bite, and not at all mushy.) and with amazing flavor. Oh, and these just happened to be roasted in butter...the holiday time's favorite condiment! 

I realize some of you aren't even thinking about your Thanksgiving Day menu yet, and that's okay. When you do, and it's time to get cooking, you know you can always come back here and I will have some ideas waiting on you, ready to inspire!

Butter Roasted Carrots
2 lbs. carrots, peeled and cut into long strips
2 TBS butter, melted
2 tsp. olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
Dried Parsley

Preheat oven to 425. Spray a large cooking sheet with nonstick spray. Lay carrots in a single layer. In a small bowl combine butter and oil. Whisk well. Pour over carrots. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well. Roast for 25-30 minutes until fork tender and browned. Remove to serving bowl. Sprinkle with parsley. 

Shared at The Country Cook Nov. 7, 2014

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