Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Do You Have An Abundance?

Zucchini. Do you it have it "coming out of your ears" so to speak? I know so many summer gardens out there are over flowing with it, and there is only so much zucchini bread you can make! I don't have the green thumb in our house, but I live with two boys who have two sets of them, and every year they plant a garden, and even during the summers when other things have a hard time growing, I always end up with an abundance of zucchini, so I was super excited to find this recipe!

Ironically enough, my two little farmers weren't able to plant a garden this summer, but I have a dear friend who has been very generous sharing her bounty with me, including the gigantic zucchini that inspired this recipe. I wanted to do something different with it, and I thought a salad would be a nice twist. I think zucchini is sometimes looked at as something you eat cooked, not raw, but this dish is going to change all that!

If your kids are veggie lovers like mine, they will flip for this...according to my almost 10 year old! Seriously, he couldn't stop eating it! And with something like this, he didn't have to! It is so crunchy, so flavorful, so delicious, it's going to become a go-to in the summer for us, and hopefully you, in no time!

Have other garden fresh veggies sitting in the crisper drawer to use? Add them! It's so versatile, it will be yummy no matter what! I am a huge artichoke heart fan, and was happy to have yet another recipe featuring those too. 

If you make this, be sure to do so for people you really love. Why? Because they are going to keep coming back again and again for more! If you make it to take to a potluck, cook-out or party, be sure to jot down the recipe in multiple copies because everyone is going to ask for it! 

Marinated Zucchini Salad 
Adapted from Taste of Home
1 extra large zucchini (or 4 medium), peeled and diced
1 (2.4 oz.) can sliced black olives, drained
1 ( 6 oz.) jar sliced mushrooms, drained
1 (14 oz.) can artichoke hearts in water, drained, rinsed and chopped
3 Roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 envelope Ranch dip mix
1 c. Italian dressing
1 TBS dried parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a small bowl, whisk together dressing and dry dip mix. In a large bowl combine zucchini, artichokes, olives and mushrooms. Stir well. Pour dressing over. Add parsley, salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. 1 hour before serving, add tomatoes and toss again. Drain well before serving. 


Shared on The Country Cook Aug. 15, 2014

Zucchini at Very Good Recipes

Disclaimer: As a Field Editor of Taste of Home, I share my own thoughts and opinions of this recipe. I am not a paid employee. 

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