Monday, July 21, 2014

Affordable & Nutritious Options At The Grocery Store {Indiana Family of Farmers}

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of walking the aisles of my favorite supermarket like never before. Thanks to my good friends at Indiana Family of Farmers  and the great folks at Kroger, I was able to explore the store with a fantastic lady, registered dietitian, Kim Galeaz

What an opportunity to learn from one of the best, so that I could then share some very useful info with all of you, in this the second of the four part series from IFOF, Affordable Food Options For Your Family, From Ours.

I'm sure you remember part one back in May, when we all learned that Americans spend less of their income on food than any other country in the world. 

I'm excited to share some of the highlights of the tour with you, some great tips I was so happy to learn, and then a fantastic new healthy recipe for you to share with your family! 

Our first stop on the tour was one of my favorite sections, produce. But let's face it, it's also one of the more pricey ones. I know so many families who struggle just to put food on the table, and unfortunately can't afford to buy a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. Well, I have good news. You don't need to buy fresh produce to get nutrients! Both canned and frozen fruits and veggies are packaged as soon as they are picked, and offer great nutritional value. So, for those of us who might feel guilty because we are buying the can of peaches instead of fresh because they are only $.69 per can, NO more guilt! We are still giving our families something really good for them!

For more info on all things produce, use these two great sites for a resource!
*This is a great one to learn what's in season, nutrition info, plus selection/storage.

*Here you will find a terrific calculator to determine pesticide residue! 

While we were in the produce section, we were introduced to a brand new item we had never heard of, the RockIt Apple. A cross between a crab and rose apple variety, this small, crunchy treat is the perfect snack! It's also a great size for the kid's packed lunches! Plus, it's a great one for baking with too. These little gems are only in season for about a month, right now, so be sure to look for them in your super market today! 

Here's another great tip for your daily diet. Try to remember that half of your grains every day should be whole. So look for the logo from the Whole Grains Council when you're shopping in the bread aisle. 

But don't forget, the cereal aisle is also a great place to get extra whole grains into your daily meals too. (Especially for kids!!) Kim even said don't worry so much about the cereals that have some sugar included (think Frosted Mini Wheats) because of all the added benefits from the whole grains, plus the milk you're going to add to it also! 

Finally, one of my favorite tips from Kim was also one of the most simple. Got canned soup or maybe boxed mac n cheese in the pantry? Need a quick meal but want to increase the nutritional value? This things are great products to add fresh, canned or frozen veggies to! Your kids might be much more inclined to eat that broccoli or zucchini if you hide it under some creamy mac n cheese! 

I learned so much on this tour, and am so grateful for the info, a lot of it new and contrary to what I thought. I think the most important thing to remember when choosing food options, and keeping affordability in the grocery store is one of the first things Kim said, "You can make room for sweets and treats, as long as they are part of a balanced diet." And for someone like me who believes in all things in moderation, it was so nice to hear!

The recipe I want to share with you actually includes one of our favorite veggies, but maybe one you might not have tried. Parsnips. They have been a tradition in our house for years (actually 3 generations now) but I know many people who have never had the pleasure. Plus, roasting veggies are a great way to put a lot of flavor into them, while still keeping them bright, delicious and nutritional! 

Roasted Parsnips and Carrots
5 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1/4" discs
3 large parsnips, peeled and cut into 1/4" discs
1/3 c. canola oil
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Salt and Pepper
Dried Parsley

Preheat oven to 400. Combine all ingredients in a 8 x 11 baking pan. Stir well to coat. Bake for 1 hour until veggies are tender and golden brown. Stir before serving.

Shared on The Country Cook July 25, 2014

 Here are a few additional sites that are a great resource on this topic and a few of my favorites:

Disclaimer: As part of the Affordable Food Options For Your Family, From Ours series, I was compensated for this post. All thoughts opinions are my own. 

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