Saturday, March 22, 2014

Soul Food Saturday #48

What is it about winter that makes us crave a good grilled hunk of meat, and a nice cocktail along with it? Maybe it's because we are daydreaming of barbecues with family and friends during nice summer evenings. Well why not wrap it up into one? That's right. I used a seasoning pack to mix up a  great marinade that any meat would be delighted to bathe in.  Let's dream about summer together, tonight pork chops are what's for dinner.

Tequila Lime Pork Chops Adapted from Weber
2 tequila lime seasoning packs, found in the baking and spices aisle 

2 lb boneless pork loin, sliced into chops
1/2 c. Vegetable oil
1/4 c. Tequila
1/4 c. Lime juice
1/4 c. Water
Zip top gallon size food storage bag

In a small bowl add spice mix, oil, tequila, lime juice and water. Stir to combine. Add meat to food storage bag, and pour marinade over meat. Carefully remove air from and seal the top of the bag. Gently tip bag back and fourth to distribute marinade and coat meat entirely. Set aside for 30 minutes. Remove meat from marinade and grill as desired.

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