Monday, December 9, 2013

Sweet Little Bite

Sometimes the most simple conversations, that begin one way, can totally go in another direction, and lead to something wonderful (and in this case, delicious)!

A couple weeks ago I posed a question to all of my Facebook fans asking what one dish they were looking forward to most on Turkey Day. Many wonderful folks shared their family favorites, their tried and trues, their most loved traditions with me. One fan, answered with "cream cheese stuffed dates." That was it. And as I sat there reading the responses, that was one of them that really caught me eye.

I couldn't remember if I had ever had a date--that wasn't chopped up in something. I know my Grammy makes a Christmas cookie with them inside, and I'm sure I've had other sweet confections during the holidays that included them too. But to have a "whole" one so to speak, I didn't think I ever had.

So I asked the fan more about them, and she was so generous to tell me they were something her mom had always made, and were simply cream cheese and dates, and then maybe rolled in a little sugar.

Using that for inspiration, and brainstorming about some other flavors I think go so well together, especially this time of year, I came up with these little gems! They are truly the perfect sweet little bite. Finger friendly, and great for any holiday party! Plus, they can be made ahead of time, and more can be made as the party goes on, without you having to be in the kitchen too long. Simply make the filling mixture, store in the fridge, and fill as needed!

I'm so grateful for all of my fans and readers who not only enjoy making my recipes in their homes, but are so nice to share their family favorites with me! Food truly does bring people together!

Orange and Walnut Stuffed Dates
6 oz. cream cheese
6 TBS orange marmalade
1/2 c. walnuts, finely chopped (I did mine in an electric chopper)
10 oz. container pitted dates  (I found mine in the produce section)
Powdered Sugar

In a medium bowl combine cream cheese, marmalade and walnuts. Beat with an electric mixer until mixed well and somewhat smooth. Transfer to a small plastic bag. Cut tip off bag. Slice each date down center with a very sharp knife, but not the whole way through. Lay open like a book. Squeeze cream cheese mixture into each, and then fold sides back up. Chill until ready to serve. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 13, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Yes please! I am wild about everything about dates...stuffing them with these wonderful ingredients makes them sound divine. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck. Please come back again soon...and enjoy a wonderful Christmas season.


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