Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Seafood Supper In 30

This time of year I think it's easy to fall into what I like to call a "holiday food rut". Sure, we all have our holiday meal traditions, and I am in no way saying they should be ignored, changed or forgotten. They are just one of the things that make this season so special. But what I'm talking about is that most of us are so busy preparing for those holiday meals, we forget we still have to cook supper every night. So, we are either turning to leftovers from those gatherings, throwing something together at the last minute, or even eating out while we are shopping. So, today I'm sharing something that is going to change all of that.

This simple seafood supper is perfect for a busy weeknight, after a long, tiring day; but it's also pretty enough to entertain with. Maybe you've got friends coming over, or heaven forbid, you invited the boss over for a festive meal. Or, maybe you're going all Clark Griswold and your family is coming for Christmas, but staying for a week or more. Now you can feed them a delicious seafood meal without breaking the bank, or your back standing over the stove. This can be on the table in about 30 minutes and they will be so impressed!

Do you use the frozen shrimp from your grocery store? Well, if you've never tried it, I strongly encourage you too. And if you're a loyal reader of EMM you've heard me talk about this before. I think it's one of the greatest bargains in stores today. Totally fresh, already cleaned, flash frozen shrimp for about $5. It's a great way to serve seafood, stretching it to feed many. Sure that 12 oz. bag wouldn't feed many if you were going to fry them up as a main dish, but taking them and using them as a component in a stir fry, or pasta, works perfectly.

So when I was thumbing through my buddy Christy Jordan's newest cookbook, I was so excited to see someone else using the frozen shrimp in a simple recipe. This pasta has intense, pleasing flavors. Tons of lemon and garlic really make the shrimp shine, and the buttery sauce clings to every inch of the pasta.

If you're trying to avoid the holiday food rut, or are simply looking to feed a crowd on a budget, this is the perfect meal for you. Impress your family, guests, and your stomach with a scrumptious seafood supper tonight!

Easy Shrimp Scampi Pasta From Come Home to Supper
1 lb. thin spaghetti or angel hair pasta
1 (12 oz.) bag frozen raw, peeled, deveined, tail on shrimp, thawed
2 tsp. lemon pepper seasoning
2-3 large cloves of garlic, minced
1 stick butter
Juice of 1 lemon, divided
2 tsp. dried parsley

Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook pasta according to box directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet melt butter. Add shrimp and garlic. Cook for 2 minutes until shrimp are just beginning to turn pink. Add lemon pepper seasoning. Stir. Continue to cook until shrimp are cooked through. Add half of the lemon juice. Reduce heat to low and set aside to stay warm. When pasta is cooked, drain well and transfer to a large bowl. Add parsley and rest of lemon juice to shrimp sauce and stir to combine.  Pour over pasta and mix well. Garnish with extra parsley.

Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 6, 2013

1 comment:

  1. I buy shrimp like that all the time! I'm the only one who REALLY likes seafood, so I think that's the perfect size for a meal for me plus leftovers - as a bonus, I can get my kids to try it without breaking the bank AND then I'm not TOO crabby if they don't eat it! Great post!


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