Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Today, since it's Tuesday, normally I would not have a new recipe for you. However, being a special day, I wanted to have something yummy to share. So, I asked my dear sweet friend Bekki (whom you usually see on Saturday with Soul Food Saturday) to come into the EMM kitchen and whip something up. But, what she has to share is actually something I made years ago that I shared with her and she decided to try too.

About 7 years ago I hosted Adam's family for the first time on Christmas Eve. It was actually a last minute type of thing due to illness, and while I wasn't responsible for all the food, I wanted to make dessert something truly yummy and festive for my first holiday party in our home! This recipe was so incredibly easy and was a huge hit with everyone. Bekki took the original and has made it her own. If you're looking for something for tonight or tomorrow, there is still time to make this!

Happy Christmas Eve to all of you, thank you for sharing some of your day with me.
Today I am sharing a recipe that is now part of our family table, and has graced the Everyday family table as well. During my childhood every Christmas Eve was spent at my Mama Lupe’s house. Her home was always warm, and smelled of spices, and delicious food. It always started with dinner and continued through the night. There was always a big pot of home made hot chocolate on the stove, and big pots waiting for the mountain of tamales being made by all aunts, uncles, and cousins. The younger of us were shuffled out of the small kitchen with mugs full of chocolate that warmed our hands and our bellies. But no matter the amount of times we were asked to please step out we were back nosing in discussion or stealing “tastes” of the delectable meat fillings lining the counter top. The house was filled with music and Christmas movies always had a place in part of our evening. The fireplace reminded us children that Santa would be coming, but it never seemed soon enough. We often thought if we laid close enough to it that maybe, just maybe we’d catch a glimpse of that snow white beard and hear the reindeer bells. Now that we have all grown up, many of us with families of our own are making new memories. 2 of my husband’s absolute favorite treats are ice cream and cookies. I haven’t found any that didn’t make him happy. So this recipe had to be tested in our house, and shared with ones we love. Peppermint ice cream with an Oreo crust, how could that be bad? With whipped topping and white chocolate peppermint bark pieces on top. Yes it really is that good! Grab a spoon and a friend this one is best shared!

Peppermint Oreo Pie Adapted from Taste of Home
2 Oreo cookie crusts
1 half gallon peppermint Ice Cream, softened
2-8oz Cool Whip, thawed
1 package White chocolate peppermint bark pieces
1 jar hot fudge sauce for drizzle on top
Plastic wrap for wrapping before freezing
Thaw cool whip in the fridge completely before using. Place ice cream on a plate on your counter to soften, enough to scoop easily with a large spoon. Remove wrapping from pre-made Oreo pie shells and set aside. Take cool whip out and mix containers to ensure they are completely thawed and free of lumps, then set aside. When ice cream has softened just enough, scoop half of container into first pie shell. And repeat with the second half into the second shell. Top each with cool whip and sprinkle peppermint bark pieces to finish. Wrap in each in plastic wrap and place in the freezer.
Remove just before serving and allow at least 10 minutes before slicing.
 *Being frozen it could be difficult to slice through, so care and patience is necessary here* 
Drizzle hot fudge over each slice as desired. Enjoy! Merry Christmas, and let them eat Peppermint Oreo Pie!

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