Friday, August 23, 2013

The Best E.V.E.R.

Having a big party this weekend? Maybe a back to school blowout? Or heading up to the lake for one of the last summer weekend getaways before it's too late? Or maybe you're even looking ahead to next weekend, Labor Day and a big backyard barbecue. If any of these are true, or you're just looking for a great party idea to keep in your back pocket, or even a simple side dish for your next Mexican night at home, I've got something that works for every single one of those!

As most of you know, before I was a SAHM, I had a career outside the home. After getting my degree, I worked in an Orthopedic Medical Office for 2 1/2 years before little man came along and changed my world forever. I was lucky enough to work with a great group of people, including the other ladies in my department, nurses, PAs, doctors, support staff, etc. It was a great company and there are still days when I miss it.

And one of the best things about this office were the carry ins! Rather it be in our department, another down the hall, or office wide, those were some of the yummiest days on the job! Now working in medical records, we had a lot of contact with other departments, and on the days they were having carry-ins and we weren't, more likely than not, they were always so kind to invite us to share in their "brought from home" goodies, and this was one of those recipes.

I was actually pregnant the day the nurses were having a carry-in and were so kind to share. Who can say no to a 7 month pregnant lady drooling over your plate? The minute I dipped my first chip into this queso, I had to have the recipe...because it was the BEST I'd ever had. She was kind of enough to share, and I couldn't believe how simple it was, plus being Crock Pot friendly makes it so nice for parties or potlucks.

I remember the next fall, after Alex was born, I made this one Sunday and we literally ate it all day long while we watched football, making it a meal. These days, I use it as a side dish if we're having tacos, enchiladas, etc. Or it's a great one to set out for a large crowd, because the pot never seems to end!

I've been so lucky to stay at home with Alex. After all, it's what lead me to blogging, and all of you. But I took a lot away from my working years too. Experience, knowledge, great friends, and even some tasty recipes to share!

Crock Pot Queso Dip
1 lb. bulk sausage, browned and drained
32 oz. Velveeta, cubed
8 oz. cream cheese, softened a bit
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup, unprepared
1 ( 10 oz.) can Rotel

Place Crock Pot on low setting. Combine Velveeta, cream cheese and mushroom soup. Stir well. Add Rotel. Mix again. Cook on LOW 30 minutes. Add sausage and stir well. Continue cooking on LOW for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until completely melted and combined. *NOTE* If you wish to leave this in the Crock Pot for a long duration, turn to KEEP WARM or even OFF. If it becomes extra thick, add a few splashes of water to thin it out. Also do this if left over and reheating.

Shared on The Country Cook Aug. 23, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Aug. 27, 2013
Mexican at Very Good Recipes

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