Saturday, August 17, 2013

Soul Food Saturday #18

Well, that time is upon us. It is the last weekend of summer vacation for us. I am trying hard to come to terms with little man not being with me all day, every day, but honestly, I think I'm still in denial. In fact, I could use some cheering up. And Bekki is here with just the drink to do it! I love make at home versions of my favorite Starbucks drinks, and she has one for my latest obsession of theirs. 

This drink is popular in some Mexican restaurants and even some full service grocery stores here in California. They are found often at farmer's markets and street fairs as well. This is a favorite recipe I found several years ago on a PBS show called Pati's Mexican Table. I love Jamaica year round, but especially in summer. This tea reminds me of  Starbucks  Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher. The tart flavor with the slight sweetness in the background. It may just be a new family favorite of yours as well. The concentrate is made just as you would brew any tea, then to make the water, you add additional water like you would traditional iced tea. Grab a big glass your going to love this one!

Hibiscus Tea/Jamaica Water  Pati's Version
2 c. Jamaica concentrate (see below)
3 c. water
When ready to serve, Add 2 cups concentrate with 3 cups water, or to your liking, and some ice cubes.

Jamaica Concentrate
8 c. water
2c. dried hibiscus or jamaica flowers (found in the Mexican spice section of the grocery store)
2c. sugar, or to taste

In a saucepan, pour 8 cups of water and place over high heat. Once it comes to a boil, add the jamaica flowers, simmer at medium heat for 10 to 12 minutes and turn off the heat. Allow to cool slightly and strain into a heat proof glass or plastic water jar. Add the sugar and mix well, cover and refrigerate. It will keep in the refrigerator for at least 3 months.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Krista! I'm so glad I'm not the only thinking there is better ways to spend all of our hard earned $$$ other than on overpriced drinks! I totally get it. Stop by if you get a chance and check out my recipe for Very Berry Hibiscus Cooler (3/21/13) Brilliant minds think alike, lol
    Hugs girl and enjoy your Saturday, lizy


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