Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Yet Another Restaurant Favorite

You know how much I love taking favorite restaurant recipes of mine (or my boys) and making them at home so we can enjoy them any time we want. I've done too many to count, and the most recent on the list is a super star!

I will be the first person to admit my weakness. It's not chocolate like so many. It's not even sweets in general. My weakness? Pasta. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is a good chance I was an Italian grandmother in another life, always standing over a big pot of "Sunday Gravy", happy as I can be feeding my family dish after dish.

Baked, boiled, with meat, without, white sauce, red sauce... (Yes, for those who know me and my lesser love for the red sauce, it is growing on me) I don't care. I crave the stuff. I have dreams about ziti, penne and fettuccine. If there were addict meetings for the stuff, I'd be the chapter president. 

This dish was something I heard of for years, but had never tried until this past winter, at our favorite local Italian restaurant. I can still remember the first bite and how it melted in my mouth. Now you might be wondering if I had been "eyeing" it, why it took me so long to finally order it. Well, it's simple. The raw egg aspect frightened me. Not because they were raw. I knew enough to know mixing them with hot pasta essentially cooked them, making it safe to eat. No, they scared me because I love pasta so much, I was afraid the flavor would be that of scrambled eggs mixed with noodles, and I didn't want to ruin a good pasta experience! 

But one night I was feeling extra brave and decided to give it a try...and it was love at first bite! The creamy sauce, the salty meat, the delicate pasta...they all combined to make the perfect tasty dish! So I immediately knew I would have to make a version at home to satisfy my new favorite any time I wanted. 

This recipe could not be easier, but it's pretty enough to entertain with if you choose. The egg mixture sticks to every inch of the pasta, coating it in creamy, flavorful goodness and the pancetta adds an unique flavor that still allows the pasta to shine.

Recreating restaurant favorites at home is one of the most fun things I do in the kitchen, and I'm so excited to share this most recent one with you!

Spaghetti Carbonara Adapted from Simply Recipes
1 lb. spaghetti, cooked to al dente and drained
1/2 lb. pancetta, diced (bacon makes a great substitute)
4 eggs
1 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1 TBS butter
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Heavy on black pepper

While spaghetti is cooking, in a medium skillet, melt butter and add pancetta. Cook over medium until crisp, about 10 minutes. Stir often and lower heat if start to burn around edges. Add garlic. Stir. Cook another minute. Remove from pan with slotted spoon and add to large bowl. In a small bowl, whisk eggs and 1/2 c. cheese together. When pasta is drained, add to bowl with pancetta. Toss to combine. Immediately add egg mixture and toss again to coat. Add other 1/2 c. cheese and lots of black pepper. Stir once more. Garnish with extra cheese and pepper, if desired.
*NOTE* Be sure to add the egg mixture as soon as the pasta comes out and is mixed with pancetta. The HOT pasta is what essentially cooks the egg, developing the creamy sauce! 

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain July 17, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook July 19, 2013

Pasta at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Great story!!!yes it is easily seen in your post that how much you love pasta or your weakness is pasta!!!

    Pompano Beach Restaurant


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