Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Poor Man's Risotto

Do you have something you always see on a menu, or on television, or in cookbooks,that looks and sounds delicious, but you've yet to try it yourself? If the answer is yes, take a seat next to me, because I'm about to tell you about mine...risotto.

I have seen so many varieties prepared on some of my favorite cooking shows and it always looks so yummy, but I will be totally honest with you, it's one of the few dishes left that intimidates the heck outta me! I'm serious! I've heard so much about how it can be easy, if you're easy and pay attention, but if you don't, watch out because it can turn into a total disaster too. Well, I love myself enough to be able to admit, I'm not always the most patient person...especially in the kitchen. So I just have visions of me going to all the trouble, only to be disappointed in the end.

Plus, I've only seen it on the menu of a few restaurants we go to. One was this high end, very pricey private club, and since it was filled with black truffles, I'm not even going to tell you how much it was, but needless to say I wasn't going to pay it! And the other happens to be at my favorite Italian place, and anytime we are there, I want one of my favorites, not something new. What can I say? I'm a creature of habit.

But when I first saw this recipe (which had a photo with it) risotto is exactly what it reminded me of, only a budget friendly, impatient friendly version. Put everything in the Crock Pot, and let it do the work, instead of standing over the stove hoping for the best.

Now of course, since I've never had actual risotto, I have nothing to compare this to, so I might be totally off the mark, but either way, I can attest to the fact that it's not only simple, but absolutely delicious, filled with amazing flavors and very hearty! This will feed a crowd, and they will walk away full!

I'm sure one of these days I will overcome my intimidation and attempt risotto in my own kitchen; or maybe even order it out somewhere. But for the time being, I'm okay leaving it on my "foodie bucket list"!

Creamy Sausage and Wild Rice Pilaf Adapted from Crock Pot
12 oz. applewood smoked sausages, cut into 1/2" slices
1 (4 oz.) box wild rice (with seasonings)
1/2 c. basmati rice
3 medium carrots, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 c. dried cranberries
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3 c. water
1/2 c. half and half
Dried Parsley for garnish

Combine all ingredients except half and half and parsley in Crock Pot. Stir to combine. Cook on LOW 7-8 hours until rice is tender. Turn off heat. Add half and half. Allow to sit 10 minutes. Transfer to serving platter and garnish with parsley.

Rice at Very Good Recipes
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  1. This looks SO good, and I LOVE that you used the crock pot! Will have to give this a try!

  2. I made this for my family and they loved it! I had to make it without the cranberries (not everyone's a fan), but it turned out so good they keep asking for it. Thank you for sharing. This is now in my "Hits" cookbook.

  3. Hi Rhonda! I'm so glad your family enjoyed it!!


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