Friday, May 3, 2013

Just Because I Can't Grow A Tree

I have told ya'll before how much I adore lemon. Lemon flavored anything is pretty much a guaranteed love in my life. From savory to sweet to beverages I am a lemon fanatic. And no other time do my lemon taste buds stand up and demand to be noticed than in the warm spring and summer months.

Sure, it tastes just as good in the winter; and still refreshes my appetite like no other flavor can, but there is just something about enjoying a lemon infused dish when the thermometer is rising that only enhances the flavor even more and makes it all that more delectable.

I'm not sure when my love for lemon began, but my earliest memory of absolutely salivating over them is about the age of 10 when we were visiting my grandparents in Florida. We were actually having supper at dear friends of theirs and right before dinner Phyllis sent me outside with a big bowl saying "See that tree? It's a lemon tree. Go fill the bowl and we will make fresh lemonade." WHAT???!! I was a little girl from Indiana who was on her first trip to the Sunshine State. You mean people grow lemons in their backyard?? Well, it was just about the greatest thing I'd ever seen, and I can tell you it was the best lemonade I've ever tasted; and to this day I've never had any that comes close. But alas, that 10 year old girl is now a 32 year old woman...but I still live in Indiana and let's just saw lemons don't thrive here. So instead, I have to rely on the grocery store, but usually you will find not just one or two in my crisper drawer, but instead an entire bag!

So I am sharing this in plenty of time that those of you who are planning a big Memorial Day backyard barbecue. After all, that 3 day weekend is the gateway to the summer, and all the outdoor events that come with it. So why not celebrate with a new lemony dessert!!! And the fact it only has 5 ingredients, and can be prepared in about 10 minutes...well those are just bonus reasons to love it!

Just because I can't grow a lemon tree in my backyard doesn't mean I can't find new fun ways to use my favorite stay tuned. I'm sure before the last dog days of summer I will have more to share!

Layered Lemon Dessert
2 (3.4 oz) boxes instant lemon pudding
2 3/4 c. milk
1 (8 oz.) tub Cool Whip
Honey Graham Crackers
Zest of one lemon, grated

In the bottom of a 8.5 x 11 baking dish, line graham crackers, breaking into pieces to make them fit if necessary. (Leave as many whole as you can.) In a large bowl whisk pudding mix and milk together well until smooth. Set in fridge to set, about 5 minutes. Once set, spoon 1/3 pudding over graham crackers. Using a spatula, spread evenly. Repeat layers, ending with pudding. Top with Cool Whip. Sprinkle with lemon zest. Chill for 2 hours to set. Serve cold.

Shared on The Country Cook May 3, 2013
Shared on Make Ahead Meals May 6, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box May 7, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain May 8, 2013


  1. Sounds like a fabulous dessert to me. Easy too! I always love that. Thanks so much for sharing, and linking back, at Weekend Potluck. Always loving your recipes!!

  2. yum!

    I would love for you to link up to my TGIF Link Party! Who knows, you just might be featured next week!



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