Friday, May 10, 2013

Chocolate Fiend I'm Not

I know hundreds of women are gasping right now as they read it. But alas, it's true. Now, don't get me wrong, I like chocolate. It's very yummy. But I'm just not one of those "If I were stranded on a desert island, I would have to chocolate" kinda girls. I'm more, give me some pasta and salt kinda island wanderer.

I like desserts and sweets as much as the next person, but a lot of times they include fruit or icing. Yes, I love fruit cobblers and pies; and anything with icing, frosting or a glaze will be promptly devoured. Now I will say one of my favorite desserts is brownies, so I do have certain chocolate favorites, it's just not something I crave.

But I know so many of you out there have to have the stuff. Can't live without it. Would dry up and blow away if someone took away your stash. (And don't try to hide it, or feel bad. Most of us have a stash of something hidden away to enjoy when nobody is looking!) I would say every year during Lent, I have more friends give up chocolate than anything else. And by the end, they are "jonesing for a fix" like no other! I get it. I might not relate to it, but I understand it.

So, once again your everyday mom is here to the rescue. For all of you who need it like the grass needs the rain, I've got a real treat for you! This pie is super simple, and PACKED with chocolate flavor! We're talking a chocolate lover's dream!

Maybe this could be something easy you could whip up for mom this weekend. (If you don't know, Mother's Day is Sunday!) Get Daddy and the kids in the kitchen to make a special treat for their favorite lady!

If you are a chocolate fiend, embrace it! You are in very good company! And if you are at a support group meeting soon, walk a few doors down to "Carbs Anonymous"...where you'll find me!

Double Chocolate Chip Cream Pie
1 shortbread pie crust (found in the baking aisle with the other pre-made crusts)
2 ( 4 serving size) boxes instant chocolate pudding
3 1/2 c. milk
1 1/2 c. mini chocolate chips
1 ( 8 oz.) tub Cool Whip
3/4 c. regular chocolate chips, for topping

In a large mixing bowl combine pudding mixes and milk. Whisk for 2 minutes until well combined. Set in fridge for 5 minutes until soft set. Add 1/2 c. Cool Whip and fold gently. Add mini chocolate chips and fold again. Pour into crust and spread evenly. Top with remaining Cool Whip and spread to cover. Decorate top with regular chocolate chips. Chill for 4 hours before serving.

Shared on The Country Cook May 10, 2013
Shared on Make Ahead Meals May 13, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box May 14, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain May 15, 2013

Chocolate at Very Good Recipes
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