Thursday, December 13, 2012


Simple title, huh? Well, I was hoping it would not only catch the attention of readers, but I also wanted to drive home the greatest point of this recipe. It's simplicity. Two. Ingredients that is! Yep, you're excited now! Let me ask this. Do you like holiday parties? Do you like to attend, or host? If you attend, do you enjoy taking something to share? After Christmas do you still need new yummy things to plan for New Year's Eve? Or maybe college football bowl game parties? If you answered yes to one, or like me all of these questions, this recipe is going to be your new best friend. I'm talking about a dip recipe everyone, young to old will love, that can literally be done within about 5 minutes using the microwave! Now, I'm sure most of you have seen the version of this using the "regular" block Velveeta cheese. And that is indeed a tasty one. But when I decided to make this for the umpteenth (yes, that is a number), I decided to use the new bags of shredded Velveeta our local Walmart has been carrying for a few months now. My favorite being the Queso Blanco~ which I've used in quite a few Mexican recipes and absolutely love. It reminds me so much of the white cheese our favorite Mexican restaurants use, and I knew it would take this dip to a whole new level! It's the perfect match for the spicy Rotel and makes tortilla chips very happy! If you need something easy for any party this season, remember the word two and know this recipe has got you covered.

Spicy White Queso Dip
2 ( 8 oz) bags Velveeta Queso Blanco shredded cheese
1 (10 oz) can Rotel, slightly drained

In a glass bowl combine cheese and Rotel. Cover with plastic wrap and heat in microwave for 1 minute. Remove and stir. Continue cooking for 30 second intervals, stirring between each,  until cheese completely melted, smooth and dip is well combined.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottgae Dec. 13, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 14, 2012
Dips at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I like to host and attend. When I do either I make and/or take some goodies, the easier the better. :) Thanks for this!

  2. OHMYWORD! OHMYWORD! I'm so excited to see this recipe, not only because of its divine simplicity, but I haven't yet seen the shredded velveeta. I am ON this one! Thanks a million for linking up at Weekend Potluck.


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