Friday, December 7, 2012

My Christmas Guilty Pleasure

I love so many holiday movies, I have to break my favorites into categories. My favorite traditional (well it's a tie) "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Miracle on 34th Street". My favorite animated~ "The Polar Express" and my favorite comedy~ "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation". And while watching the last, is my first memory of ever hearing the words egg nog. You know the scene. When Cousin Eddy and Clark are in the living room and Clark is trying to enjoy his rich and creamy holiday beverage despite Eddy's surprise visit. I remember asking my parents what egg nog was and they both answered with one word..."Yuck". Okay, so they aren't fans. Well, it was always something I wanted to try, but never had the opportunity until a few years ago when Mr. Everyday brought some home from the store and said "I know you'll like it". Oh, he knows me so well! It quickly became one of my guiltiest pleasures during the holiday season. And yes, I don't mind the store bought, nor do I require alcohol. I'm so obsessed, rum flavoring is just fine. I have to stop myself from drinking too much, because I could literally have it as my sole beverage for the month of December. So the first time I was going to try making it myself, I wanted to make sure it was simple as to not ruin my love. And I love this recipe because it's perfect for egg nog novices, not too strong to scare you away. Plus, it's non alcoholic so the little ones can enjoy it too. I know many out there feel the same way my parents did, and still do today, but for those of you who do enjoy this seasonal treat, or want to try it for the first time, this is a great place to start!

Easy Egg Nog From
2 eggs, well beaten
3 TBS sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
2 1/3 c. milk
Cinnamon for garnish

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until well combined. Serve chilled with a garnish of extra nutmeg and cinnamon, if desired.

Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 7, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Dec. 10, 2012
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1 comment:

  1. I also love the store bought Egg Nog... Yum so rich and thick...


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