Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Yes, that's right, I said Daddy. I don't care how old or "grown up" I get, I will always be a Daddy's girl. He isn't my father, not even my dad. He has always been and will always be my Daddy. And today is his birthday! In his 63 years here on earth, he has done so so much. He was the youngest of 3 children, the only son to a mother who loves him very much; and a father, that until his last breath was incredibly proud of him. He was a soldier during one of the most tumultuous wars in America's history. Deep in the jungles of Vietnam he earned many distinctions, including a bronze star and purple heart. In the late early 70's he became a husband, and while the relationship might not have worked out, it provided him with his only son and my big brother, who many years later would follow in his footsteps and find a home in the United States Army, making our dad so proud. Then in the late 70's he became a husband once again, and 3 years later they were blessed with a baby girl, whom he named Krista Renae. Now, that marriage has lasted for over 30 years and that baby girl is a mother to her own son. He is the hardest working man I know, and will give you the shirt off his back to help if he can. He is loyal to no end, and for 31 years has been my hero.

These are something I first made for him years ago. They were meant to be made in jalapeno peppers, but those are a little too spicy for him, so I found poblanos were a little more to his tongue's liking. This size make a great main dish, but the smaller version is a killer appetizer. Every time I make them, I know they will bring such a huge smile to his face, so what better time to treat him than on his birthday?

I love you Daddy. You were the first man I loved, and the one I compare all others too. Your support and guidance have helped mold me into the person I am today; and someday if my little boy is half the man you are, I will consider myself a success as a mother.

Sausage Stuffed Peppers
5 medium poblano peppers, halved and seeded
1 lb. bulk sausage, mild or hot
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 425. In a large skillet brown sausage, seasoned with salt and pepper, until crisp and no longer pink. Drain very well. In a large bowl combine cream cheese, Parmesan, and warm sausage. Mix very well to combine. Spoon sausage mixture into each pepper half. Place on aluminum lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until browned on top and bubbling.

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Oct. 2, 2012
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Oct. 3, 2012
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Oct. 4, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Oct. 5, 2012
Peppers at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your Dad and what a great Wedding photo. Your peppers look delicious, just perfect for game day. Enjoy your weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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