Saturday, August 25, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Kristin}

Good Saturday Morning! Thank goodness, we made it to the weekend! We survived the first week of school, and are looking forward to some down time over the next 2 days, and actually some major family time too!

Today's guest is another fan who is so kind to share a family recipe with us, and you're going to be so happy she did. I have 3 words for you: Mac and Cheese!! As I told her when she sent me this, we love mac and cheese and I can never have enough recipes for it. Plus, I love that hers uses shell macaroni and Colby cheese! YUM!

So please welcome Kristin to EMM~

Hi! My name is Kristin. I am a wife to a wonderful man, Tim. I have 2 wonderful children Dominic is 8, and Brooklyn is 6. The dish I chose to share is homemade mac n cheese. It was past down from my great-grandma and is always a hit when its made. 

Homemade Mac n Cheese
1 lb. medium salad shells
1 1/2 lbs. Colby cheese
1/4 cup milk
3 tbsp butter, cubed

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.Cook noodles according to package. Drain noodles and in a roasting pan with lid, put half the noodles , half the cubed butter, and milk in bottom of pan. Layer with 1/2 Colby cheese. Top with remaining noodles, butter and cheese. Top with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with lid and cook on 350 degrees for 30 mins.
We serve ours with green beans and French bread. It's super easy and quick. Once you get it in the oven, we always set a timer and do something fun as a family!!! Not only do you get dinner you also spend quality time together, and if your life is like ours...sometimes its hard to get QUALITY TIME!!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do:) 

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Mac & Cheese and am always looking for new recipes. Can't wait to try this one!


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