Friday, August 24, 2012

Something Else For Mom

Yesterday I told you my mom had surgery and I was on "food detail." I cooked her some yummy things that she could easily reheat to make meal time as easy as possible. But when I didn't tell you was making that list wasn't the easiest. Like I've mentioned before, mom has a lot of food allergies and dietary needs, so I can't make just anything. But I do try to find new things to cook for her for a little variety. Even if it means taking a couple of her "stand bys" and putting them together in different combinations to create something new. That was exactly how I came up with this recipe a couple years ago. I can't even remember what I was making us for supper, but mom was coming over and she couldn't have it. So I looked in the fridge and freezer to see what I could make her instead. I had some frozen hamburger patties, and while yes, mom can eat a hamburger, I wanted to jazz it up a bit and take some of the "boring" out of it. Well, one of the few veggies mom can still enjoy are cooked mushrooms. So I figured why not saute some of those and top a hamburger patty with them? Kind of like a take on something you find at every steakhouse. Talk about a success! She loved them and they quickly became part of the list of meals she will request me to make. I really consider it a success when I can find things she can not only eat, but truly enjoy. Even restricted diets can be interesting and tasty with just a little ingenuity!

Hamburger Steaks with Sauteed Mushrooms
1 lb. ground beef
1 TBS Worcestershire sauce
2 garlic cloves, grated and divided
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dried parsley, divided
8 oz. button mushrooms, sliced
2 TBS butter
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a medium bowl combine ground beef, Worcestershire half the garlic and parsley, onion powder, salt and pepper. Mix well using hands. Divide into 4 equal patties. Preheat grill to medium. Spray with cooking spray. Cook patties for 6-7 minute per side until well done. Meanwhile heat butter in a small skillet on medium. Add mushrooms and remaining garlic. Saute until brown, about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add remaining parsley. To serve, top each patty with mushrooms.

Shared on The Country Cook Aug. 24, 2012

Ground Beef at Very Good Recipes

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