Friday, May 25, 2012

Obsession For Breakfast

Lately I've been sharing with all of you that my latest obsession is black beans. I've always liked them, but recently I just can't get enough! I've been finding all sorts of recipes to make with them to satisfy my cravings, and finally thought about incorporating them into breakfast too. How? What else~ huevos rancheros? I have seen them made lots of times on cooking shows, a lot of different ways, and they always look delicious, but I've never made them myself. But the upside to waiting until now is I had enough time to figure out what was the one thing about all of those versions I would change. The red sauce. See, I don't really groove on red enchilada sauce, and most of  those I watched being made by some of my favorite tv chefs included it. So now that I've discovered how much I enjoy the green variety, I knew I had found the key to making them just my way! If you enjoy entertaining for brunch, these would be great. All you have to do is make the eggs and beans, have all the other ingredients waiting and each person can make his/her own to order! But truthfully these would also make a delicious simple, light supper on a hot summer day.  I'm so happy I have found yet another way to enjoy my friend the black bean~ breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Huevos Ranheros
Makes 4 portions

8 large eggs
8 corn toastada chips/shells (found by tortillas, they look like large tortilla chips)
1 large avocado, sliced
2 Roma tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped
1 (15oz) can black beans
1 small can green enchilada sauce
Cooking spray
Salt and Pepper to taste

Spray a large skillet w/ cooking spray and heat to medium. Cook eggs, to desired doneness. I like over easy for this. Remove to a plate, and keep warm. In the same skillet, add a little more cooking spray and black beans. Stir and cook until heated through, about 2 minutes. To assemble, lay 2 toastada shells on plate. Top w/ black beans and 2 eggs. Drizzle w/ enchilada sauce. Add 2 slices of avocado to each egg. Sprinkle w/ diced tomato.

Shared on The Country Cook May 25, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals May 28, 2012

Breakfast at Very Good Recipes
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