Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Apple Craze

Here a few weeks ago I was on Pinterest one morning, (like I normally am around the hour of 8am), looking around, checking out new pins, ideas, recipes and finding inspiration and there was a pin that was everywhere! I swear every person on there had re-pinned it at least once, and I think some had shared it multiple times. It must have caught on quick and spread like wildfire. Well, when I looked past the photo to the description, I could understand why. ~Apple Nachos~ Yeah, the name says it all. How absolutely perfect for an after school snack, kid-friendly dessert, or what I am envisioning for the future, a kids' party!  In my mind I can see an Apple Nacho Bar! Each child has a plate of his/her own sliced apples and the toppings are set up in the same fashion as a sundae bar, and just as much fun! Now I made these ahead of time to take w/ us somewhere, so I added a little lemon juice to avoid browning and a little sugar to compensate (see below). And if you were going to do my "bar" idea, I think the same would have to be applied.But they come together so fast, they are great for a last minute snack too! The possibilities are endless and kids will love they get to eat "nachos" and Mommy doesn't mind! Sometimes a band wagon craze is just too tempting not to join!

Apple Nachos
1 large apple, cored and thinly sliced (Mine yielded 16 individual slices)
Chocolate Syrup
Caramel Syrup
Mini Marshmallows
Chopped Pecans
Shredded Coconut

*If making ahead, place apple slices in a large bowl. Add 1 TBS lemon juice and 1 TBS sugar. Mix well to coat*

Place apple slices on plate, platter or pie dish. Drizzle w/ chocolate and caramel. Sprinkle w/ coconut, raisins, pecans and marshmallows.

Shared on The Lady Behind The Curtain May 9, 2012
Shared on Newlyweds Blog May 9, 2012 
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage May 10, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook May 11, 2012


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. I am sooo glad you shared this idea on Recipe Roundup. I must have missed its Pinterest glory. I agree it is good for kids but I am having it for dessert! Thanks.


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