Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Anne}

Good Morning everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week, and however you are spending your weekend, it includes some sunshine and fun along the way. If your family is anything like ours, our weekends are quickly becoming busier and busier as the days get warmer. I am determined to find some time to relax though~ somewhere, somehow! Today's guest is a fellow blogger who you might remember from the holidays when she hosted a fantastic countdown to Christmas on her blog, The Saturday Evening Pot, which I participated in. Be sure to stop by and say hello and visit her on Facebook too.  Please welcome Anne to EMM~

Hi, Everyone!  I'm Anne, also known as "The Lucky Wife", at the blog my husband and I co-author,  My husband, "The Chef", is trained in Culinary Arts by Johnson and Wales University.  So I figure I'm pretty lucky because I don't have to do much cooking in our home (per a deal we made when he went back to school for the degree in Culinary Arts, leaving law enforcement), and I get to taste test all of his culinary creations.
Now, this does not mean all you will find on our blog is fancy foods.  His work schedule does not permit much play time in our kitchen, and our young children do not have the more mature palettes to be able to appreciate the kinds of flavor variations we enjoy.  So you will find a good variety of recipes on our blog, including very basic, everyday family meals, such as Salmon and Sweet Corn Hash, as well as the dishes for the more advanced palettes, such as Peach and Sweet Tea Vodka Glazed Pork Tenderloin.  We've also got some great recipes for side dishes and for those days when you want to throw something in your trusty crockpot and let it cook while you're enjoying life, such as Slow Cooker Shredded Pork with "Skillet Apples".  Be sure you check out our daily paper, full of crockpot recipe ideas and information, The Crockpot Chronicles!  We also offer some kid-friendly food tips and information, like this Easy Toddler Smoothies Recipe (with a tip for eating yogurt mess-free!) and lots of creative lunchbox ideas.
Today I have something special, easy and fun to share with you.  It will be of particular interest for those of you with a child, grandchild or special niece or nephew who loves Elmo.  Both of my children are Elmo fans, and since we love food so much in our home, I got curious one day about what Elmo's favorite food is.  Any guesses?  Pizza!  And since his favorite fruit is banana, I decided to develop a recipe including Elmo's favorite foods, a fruit pizza.  The Chef suggested using strawberries to add some color (presentation!).  The end result was delicious and my children, of course, loved it.

Elmo's Favorite Food: Fruit Pizza with Banana (and Strawberries)
Sugar cookies (you can make these yourself or buy them already made, the option I chose for convenience)
Vanilla pudding (again, you can make it or buy it already made, again, the option I chose for convenience)

Spread a layer of pudding over each cookie.  Cut banana and a few strawberries into toddler bite-sized pieces and position as desired on top of the pudding you had spread over each cookie.  Serve!

 Thank you so much, Krista, for having me as a weekend guest to share with your readers.  I know I do not have to tell them what a great resource your blog is for recipes!  I so enjoyed her participation on our 100-Day Countdown to Christmas series last year... check it out if you love Christmas and bookmark it or pin it for great ideas for Christmas this year (it comes quickly doesn't it?).  And thank you to those of you who took time to read what I had to share with you today.  The Chef and I would love to have you visit with us, and if you like what we offer, to become a part of our "foodie family"!

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