Sunday, April 15, 2012

Church Supper #35

Good Sunday Morning everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week and are enjoying your weekend. As many of you know, I spent the sick very ill w/ bronchitis and a sinus infection. Truthfully, I can't remember being that sick in a long, long time. I basically went from the bed to the couch for 4 days straight and if wasn't for Mr. Everyday and my mom this house would have shut down. They both pitched in to help me and take care of Alex so I could rest and recover. God Bless them! For those of you who shared at Church Supper last week, I'm sorry I didn't stop by each post to thank you, but now you know why. I did appreciate everyone who linked up and so enjoyed seeing what you brought! Thanks for stopping by today, have fun and please remember I wish you God's blessings all week long!

Last week's most viewed recipe:

Congrats! Please feel free to grab my "Featured On" button!

Now, let's eat!


1. Feel free to link up as many recipes as you like!

2. Link up to your ACTUAL recipe, not just your homepage. Much easier to find you that way!

3. Include a link back to EMM on your recipe post or grab my button!

4. Leave comments so I can visit you back!

5. Visit at least 2 other sites and tell them you joined them at my Church Supper!

6. Follow my blog here w/ GFC and on Facebook :)


  1. Thank you for hosting Krista
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thanks for hosting, Krista! I'm sorry to here you were so sick, that sounds like a miserable way to spend your week! I hope you are feeling much better! :)

  3. Glad you feel better !! thanks for hosting !!


  4. Thank you for hosting I will bring the fixin's for my Mug Cakes. FIve minutes to make a cake if you can believe that LOL

  5. I'm new and am having trouble getting my comments to go through so if they come up in triplicate please delete. I shared Skillet Fried Chicken Breasts today. Thank you for hosting!

  6. Glad you are feeling better. Thank goodness you had some help from Mr. and your Mom. Gave you the time you needed to rest and get better. Thanks for hosting and hope you have a blessed week!

  7. Thanks for hosting. I linked my Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies. The fries, from Addicted to Recipes, are on my menu this week!


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