Friday, March 2, 2012

So Cute, So Tiny, So Genius

Are you a dipper? I know, that could be taken many ways. But I'm referring to a soup dipper. Is soup not soup unless you have a sandwich, roll, biscuit, etc to dip into it? Well, if you are, you're not alone! Our entire family is! Anytime I serve soup I know I have to prepare something for dipping purposes. And I believe that the original dipper of all dippers was the grilled cheese into tomato soup! Who doesn't do this? (Okay, if it's you, I'm not criticizing! I am just shocked you don't!) We do NOT eat tomato soup w/o grilled cheese (or cheese toasties if you prefer that term) frying in a skillet on the stove. And usually each of us puts away more than one. There is just something magical and so right about the flavor combo. So when I saw this idea on Pinterest I knew it would be something we could all enjoy (especially Alex) and couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it before. You know those ideas, right?? The kind that when you see them you wonder to yourself "Seriously, this is so perfect I can't imagine why I haven't been doing it all along." Instead of dipping, why not have a whole party of tiny dippers floating along waiting to be devoured. I know, too cute!  Sometimes the most obvious solutions are the ones that are most genius!

Grilled Cheese Croutons
2 slices Texas Toast, or bread of your choice
1 slice American Cheese

Prepare grilled cheese. When finished, cut off crusts and then slice into mini crouton sized pieces. My sandwich made 9. I like to serve these on the side so they can be added a few at a time to avoid mushiness.

Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 2, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Mar. 5, 2012
Shared on Jam Hands Mar. 5, 2012
Shared on My Favorite Finds Mar. 5, 2012
Shared on Home Savvy Mar. 5, 2012

Featured on Morsels of Life: Five Friday Finds

Soup at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Love this! Thank you for the yummy idea!

  2. I've seen this idea and have wanted to try it too!!! It looks wonderful and so yummy!!!!


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