Friday, March 23, 2012

Restaurant Trends

Have you ever noticed that it seems when one restaurant catches on to a good thing, you start seeing it everywhere? I remember back in the 90's (or at least that is when I first remember seeing it) one steakhouse decided to have buckets of peanuts available for customers to snack on and it was perfectly okay to throw the shells on the floor to be cleaned up later by someone else. Well  all of a sudden you couldn't go out for a good steak w/o the crunch crunch of peanut shells under your feet. That is, until someone fell, sued the restaurant and now you get a small empty bucket just for your shells! Anyway, it seems like if a good thing is found, it will spread like wild fire. That was the case for dipping oil for breads too! It used to be if you were served bread in an Italian restaurant, it was delicious w/ good 'ole butter slathered on. But then one day someone decided to mix a little olive oil w/ some seasonings and cheese and dip his/her bread into that. And wah-lah the next foodie craze was born. The first time we ran across this was right after we were married. We had gotten a gift card to a very nice Italian restaurant here in Fort Wayne, that we had actually never been to. Well, they serve our warm bread and then come to the table and ask if we want dipping oil. Not to look like total outsiders, we of course answered "yes, please." I was instantly a fan! Where had this delicious idea been all my life? It took bread to a whole new level! And while 9 years later we have never been back to that restaurant (What can I say? It was a good thing we had a gift card b/c we don't typically pay that for one meal!) we can still enjoy this fancy treat at home. Truthfully I should say I can enjoy. Adam isn't much of a fan. He is more of a butter person; and so is Alex. And that's okay b/c this is so simple and quick I don't mind making it for only me. I'm sure another idea will spark soon enough, and it makes me wonder what the next food trend will be??

Bread Dipping Oil  Adapted from Allrecipes
2 c. olive oil
1 TBS dried basil
1 TBS dried parsley
1 TBS garlic, minced or grated
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
1/2 tsp lemon juice
2 TBS grated Parmesan cheese

In a small bowl, whisk all together. You can add extra cheese to top if desired. Serve at room temperature w/ bread of your choice.

Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 23, 2012
Shared on Addicted To Recipes Mar. 25, 2012 
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Mar. 26, 2012
Bread at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Oh YUUUMMM! How wonderful to be able to make our own dip. Excited to find this!

  2. I love dipping fresh bread into oil. Mmmm!

  3. If fresh bread wasn't good enough by itself! Love the bread that some Italian restaurants have with the salt on the top, yum.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this one at Scrumptious Sunday! Dipping fresh bread in oil is always a hit, and yet we rarely do it at home. Thanks for the inspiration!


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