Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Old Fashion Never Gets Old

Sometimes those dishes that have been made the same way for generations truly are ageless and should not be tampered with. A few weeks back I had found a recipe on Pinterest for pot roast in the Crock-Pot and I wanted to try it. I can't really tell you a magnificent reason why. It just looked good. But then I remembered something. There is no way one of the beef roasts I have in the chest freezer was going into my Crock-Pot along w/ all the veggies. See, my Crock-Pot is old fashioned too! I don't have one of the nice stainless oval ones a lot of my friends do. Mine is a "stand up" version, green and OLD! Lol I got it at a garage sale years back and paid $.25 (yes a quarter!) for it!!! But it's the best appliance in my kitchen in my opinion. (Okay, so I love my dishwasher a little more, but don't tell it I said that!) And until the "old stand by" gives out I have no desire to switch. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. So after realizing this wonderful recipe wasn't going to work I thought "Wait, why not just cook it in the oven like I always do, and post it?" I make pot roast the same way my mom cooks it, and she learned from her mom. So if it's been feeding our family for 3 generations now, it can't be all that bad!

Old Fashion Pot Roast
1 (4-5 lb.) beef chuck roast
1 lb. baby carrots
12-15 red potatoes, quartered (Depending on the size, I figure around 4 potatoes per person)
1 medium onion, sliced
Salt and Pepper to taste
4 beef bouillon cubes
Water, enough to cover veggies

Preheat oven to 375. Liberally season both sides of meat w/ salt and pepper. Place in a large roasting pan. Cover and cook for 1 hour. Carefully remove roast from pan. Add veggies and bouillon. Add water, just to cover. Place meat on top of veggies. Reduce heat to 350. Cook for 2 additional hours.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 22, 2012
Shared on Newlyweds Blog Feb. 22, 2012
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 23, 2012

Beef at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Can't go wrong with a good ole fashion pot roast. So good!

  2. I agree with you Krista, there is really nothing better than an Old Fashioned Pot Roast. Your Roast looks delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you have a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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