Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For My Little Valentine...

Happy Valentines Day!!! I hope however you are spending today (being a Tuesday, I'm sure most of you, like me, are spending at least the day portion at work, school, or home) I hope you get to at least be w/ those you lost most at some point. I know some say Valentines Day is just a ploy from the card, candy and flower industries, and I agree that we shouldn't need a day on the calendar to remind those who mean so much to us just how much we love them; but I don't see anything wrong w/ setting aside one day per year totally dedicated to love. Let's face it, there is so much hatred in the world today, if one day in February everyone gets a little extra love in their hearts, I say more power to us! Ever since Alex was born, Valentines Day has taken on a new meaning for Adam and I. Yes, we still celebrate w/ each other and yes we do buy gifts, and sometimes we even get to sneak away for a date night, but the day itself and the ideas it represents has been turned into a family day. We usually find some way to celebrate as a family the weekend of, or before, and then the day of, Adam and I enjoy giving Alex his treats as much as we do each others. (By the time you read this, Alex will be the proud owner of some cool new Pirates of the Caribbean action figures, Pirate book and a few other treats!) These would make a great after school treat for your little Valentines! Of course, Monkey was able to taste test these last week so that I could bring them to you today, and he would definitely agree that your kiddies would be so excited to have these waiting on them after school. So, Happy Valentines Day~ Take a minute to tell those you love how much your heart sings when they are around, and how you couldn't live without them. No matter how big or small they are!

Cupid Cookies
1 package chocolate cream cookies (Try to find one w/ 3 rows of cookies)
1 (12oz) package white chocolate chips
1 TBS shortening
Red food coloring

In a glass bowl, combine chocolate chips and shortening. Microwave for 1 minute. Stir to melt. If not melted, heat for 30 seconds more. For the first row of cookies, use white as it. Dip one side of cookie only by angling it towards the chocolate. Let excess drip off. Add sprinkles. Place on parchment lined cookie sheet. For second row, add 3 drops of food coloring to get pink. Continue w/ dipping. The last row, add more coloring until you have a red color. Dip these. After all cookies are dip (or even between colors) place in freezer for 5 minutes to set. Remove and store in air tight container.
*NOTE* These would be great for the kids to help w/ too. Just divide chocolate after microwaving into 3 bowls for white, pink and red. If the chocolate gets too thick while dipping, microwave for another 30 seconds and stir. Keep heating until soft again.

~Join me for Tasty Tuesday on Formula Mom~

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Feb. 14, 2012
Shared on Celebrating Family Feb. 14, 2012
Shared on Chef in Training Feb. 14, 2012

Cookies at Very Good Recipes
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