Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Divided Line

I have found there are some foods that have a definite line drawn between the "lovers" and the "haters". People either love them, or avoid them at all costs. The mention of them can either bring smiles and "yums" or distorted faces and resounding "yucks". And I believe one of these foods is sauerkraut! I've seen people gobble it up as fast as they could and I've seen others walk to the other side of a buffet line as not to come in contact with it! Me? I love the stuff! I especially love it when roasted inside a whole pig at a good ole' fashioned hog roast. Let me sum up my love for it w/ one statement: We served roast hog and sauerkraut at our wedding!! Now as much as I enjoy it, if it's not prepared the correct way it can be less than appetizing; and many times I have to wonder if those turning their noses up to it just haven't had it cooked the proper way. I also think it's kind of a forgotten side dish that I think can be more versatile than it's given credit for. I was very curious when this recipe showed up in our local newspaper, The News Sentinel. Each week it features Amish recipes, and this was one they chose to share. I have to admit, if something is made by, or endorsed by our Amish neighbors to the north I'm always excited b/c there are some fantastic cooks living in the Amish communities around us. This dish is a great mix of tangy and sweet at the same time, has a hint of heat, and would be great alongside any pork dish! Even if you have decided you aren't a sauerkraut fan, maybe you can cross that line just this once and try it again!

Sauerkraut Casserole from the News Sentinel
1 lb. sauerkraut (I had 2 cans on hand, so I used those)
6 slices cooked bacon
1 c. sugar
1 tsp black pepper

In a 2 quart casserole dish mix the sauerkraut, sugar and pepper. Stir well to combine. Carefully fold in bacon. Bake for 2 hours 15 minutes at 325 degrees until browned.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 1, 2012
Shared on It's A Keeper Feb. 2, 2012 
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 2, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 3, 2012
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Feb. 4, 2012
Casseroles at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I LOVE sauerkraut and Amish recipes! Some of the best food I've ever eaten has come from either the Amish or their recipes.

    Growing up I hated the stuff. We always had it on New Year's Day for good luck. I would bury it in my mashed potatoes. About 10 years ago, I somehow discovered that it was GOOOOD!! Now it's a pork side dish, goes atop hot dogs and I even add a can to the pot when I'm making cabbage rolls.

    I think I'll try this recipe with Splenda instead of real sugar and see how it comes out that way. :)

  2. My husband and I love sauerkraut, but some of our children - not so much. The interesting thing is that they love the hamburger/sauerkraut casserole that we make:

    1/2 cup raw rice
    1 can cr. of Mushroom soup
    1/2 teasp salt
    1 can sauerkraut
    1 lb browned hamburger
    pepper to taste
    1/2 soup can of water
    mix above together place in greased casserole and bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees
    after typing this - I know what we are going to have for supper

  3. A PIG ROAST FOR A WEDDING!!! My new favorite couple! And roasting the kraut in the pig does sound terrific. new trick for me and I have seen my share of pigs in a pit!


  4. Oh Dave, you will never enjoy kraut as much as you will cooked in a hog! Adam's family has been having hog roasts forever and when we knew we'd have over 300 people to feed at the wedding, there was no doubt roasting 2 hogs ourselves would save us a ton of $$. Not to mention the fact our neighbor lady/friend did the rest of the food for at cost. We fed all of those people for around $400 :)

  5. I think it sounds good - I used to have a recipe that was like a Reuban sammie, baked. So good and I could count on having it ALL to myself as no one here would touch the stuff! This looks like it would be a nice side dish to roasted pork...yuuuum...

  6. I love sauerkraut. My church growing up had a sauerkraut supper on election day every year with roast pork and it was wonderful - I would wait for this meal every year like Thanksgiving. This sounds yummy - esp. with the bacon. It's nice to get a little smoked flavor in there. Yum.

  7. It is sure that time of the year when we look for Cabbage based dishes. We would just love your casserole, it looks delicious! Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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