Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mommy, Can We....???

Like most parents out there, I probably here that phrase over 100 times in one week. (And yes, sometimes, it seems like in one day!) But most recently, in fact just last night, that sentence ended w/ "On a picnic again this summer?" That's right, my little man is already planning fun outings for he and I to embark on when the sun is shining, the grass is green once again and the thermometer is back up into the 80's--right where we like it! Many days during summer vacation I will pack up a light lunch and we will head to the nearest park or playground for an afternoon of fun. But sometimes, on Sundays or even July 4th, we go all out and pack a HUGE picnic w/ all the trimmings and Adam drives to some out of the way spot and we enjoy time together as a family. And on those occasions, when I'm taking more than just sandwiches and chips, I get to take full advantage of the picnic basket we received as a wedding present. I love it!! It reminds me of when I was little and my mom had one very similar. Plus it is so convenient and handy! Do you have a picnic basket? Would you like to know a great place to get beautiful picnic baskets? What about filling a brand new one w/ yummy EMM dishes?  Do you enjoy online shopping? Outdora was founded in 2005 w/ the intent to provide customers beautiful and unique outdoor living products with quality at an affordable price. From patio furniture, to hammocks, to picnic baskets and more, shoppers can conveniently browse the selection at Outdora without leaving the comfort of their homes.
If you are looking for a way to bring the outdoors back into your life, Outdora has everything you need. Offering the best of the best, Outdora sells everything needed to make any outdoor environment into a fun and exciting place for a casual family setting to more high end pieces as well.

Wedding season is not the far away, and I can tell you first hand what a wonderful gift a picnic basket makes! I was so excited to receive ours, and I think most young couples just starting out would be as well. So, rather you are looking for one for yourself, or for a special and thoughtful gift, check out the selection of picnic baskets at Outdora.

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