Sunday, January 29, 2012

Church Supper #24

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and their Sunday thus far. We are on quarantine lock down this weekend. Alex has been fighting a cold/cough all week and finally spiked a fever the other night. So I put my Monkey in his pjs and he's been camped out on the couch all weekend taking it easy. (Well, we did decorate some cookies yesterday as a "sick treat", and I let him off the couch for that!) Hopefully all the extra rest and medicine will cause the "ick" to be on it's merry way and realize it is NOT welcome here :) Link up your favorite recipes from the week, or past ones that were a total hit. Maybe even some great ideas for the BIG GAME next Sunday!  Please remember I wish you God's blessings all week long!


1. Feel free to link up as many recipes as you like!

2. Link up to your ACTUAL recipe, not just your homepage. Much easier to find you that way!

3. Include a link back to EMM on your recipe post or grab my button!

4. Leave comments so I can visit you back!

5. Visit at least 2 other sites and tell them you joined them at my Church Supper!

6. Follow my blog here w/ GFC and on Facebook :)


  1. Thanks for hosting again, Krista - I linked up my Short Ribs. I hope your son gets better soon. We had the stomach bug here last week and that was not welcome, either!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting! I shared our Honey Roasted Carrots and our Coconut ALmond Graham Cracker Crust. Can't wait to check out some of the other recipes!

  3. Thanks for hosting, Krista! I hope Alex is well soon!!


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