Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weekend Company Christmas Edition {Guest Blogger Tricia}

Merry Christmas Eve!!! I am so excited about today's guest. Not only is she a fabulous wife, mother, and fellow blogger (visit her over at Recipe Roundup) but for those who don't already know, she is also my cousin. Seeing as today is Christmas Eve, and to me, it's all about being w/ family, I invited Tricia to join me here, so in a way we can still be together. When I was younger, every December we spent 2 weeks w/ family in Pennsylvania over the Christmas holiday. Both my mom and my dad's families are from there, and each year one of the highlights of the season was knowing we would be going "home" to be surrounded by those we love most in the world. Christmas Eve was always spent w/ my dad's family--going to church, a huge meal, presents for all, and usually snow falling outside. (Think of the perfect Norman Rockwell portrait and you have an idea). And Tricia was a part of those Christmas Eves. Now we are all grown up, and even though we can't be together in person today, we are definitely celebrating together in spirit! Thanks for being here Trish....I miss you...I love you. For Tricia, myself and the rest of our family....on this, the most holy night of the year, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

I want to thank my cousin, Krista for allowing me to guest post on Christmas Eve- how special! Interesting enough her recipe for Wassail is  featured over at my blog today! A  piece of eggnog pound cake and a cup of wassail sounds like a great Christmas Eve snack to me!
Krista and I are blessed to share many of the same great memories of Christmas at our grandmother's house when we were younger.  We now have families of our own and while we have not celebrated a Christmas together in years, we both take some of that  nostalgia and make it our own now in hopes of providing our children with the same great memories we have.
Today I'm sharing with you a recipe for eggnog pound cake I am serving it as part of my Christmas brunch.I hope you enjoy!
Eggnog Pound Cake

1- 16 oz. pkg Pound Cake Mix
3/4 C Eggnog
2 eggs
1/2 stick butter, melted
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350. Generously grease and flour bundt pan.( I used my pan coating mix found here and it worked super!) Beat cake mix, eggnog, eggs, butter, nutmeg and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at low speed until well mixed then beat on medium speed for 2 mintues. Batter will be thick. Pour into prepared  bundt pan. Bake for 38-43 mintues or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool in pan for 10 mintues. Invert on to wire rack and cool completely.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

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