Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank You Philly

Have you seen the Philadelphia Cooking Cream tubs on your grocery store shelf, right next the cream cheese? Well, if not, go to the store right and check. Because I guarantee after this post, you're going to want to make this dish. Yes, it's that good! I had seen the cooking creams advertised for a while before I actually got around to trying one. What was the catalyst to finally push me over the edge? A couple things actually. One, I saw this recipe in a magazine (I was so excited I tore it out and can't even remember what one) two, I had a coupon (woo hoo) and three, when I attended the Taste of Home cooking show, while this wasn't the one demonstrated, the chef did use a different flavor and I was able to see how creamy and luscious it was. They have a few different flavors, but the one I chose to use first was the Santa Fe Blend...b/c that's what the recipe called for! I love chicken enchiladas, but I knew Adam wasn't the biggest fan. He prefers beef. But I thought maybe w/ the flavor of the cooking cream even he would be a fan. And I was right!! After eating these, he declared "Wow, those were SO good. And I'm not the biggest chicken fan." These are so easy, and perfect for the whole family b/c while the cream itself has a tiny "kick" to it, it's nothing little kids can't handle. I will definitely be trying other varieties in the future, and I hope you do too!

 Santa Fe Chicken Enchiladas from Kraft
3 c. cooked,  shredded chicken (I used roasted. For my method, click here.)
1 tub Santa Fe Cooking Cream
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
1 small onion, chopped
1 1/2 c. Mexican blend cheese
8 flour tortillas (I like the larger ones)
2 tsp vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 350. In a large skillet, cook onions in oil until crisp-tender, about 4-5 minutes. Stir in chicken, tomatoes, 3/4 c. cooking cream and 1/2 c. cheese. Heat through. Spoon about 1/3 c. of mixture in each tortilla. Roll tightly and place in a greased, 9x13 baking dish, seam side down. Spread the remaining cooking cream over the top of the enchiladas and top w/ remaining cheese. Cover and bake 15-20 minutes until heated through and cheese is melted.

~Please join me for Tasty Tuesday on Formula Mom~

Shared on Chef in Training Dec. 6, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family Dec. 6, 2011
Shared on Naptime Creations Dec. 6, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Dec. 6, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks Dec. 7, 2011
Shared on Newlyweds Blog Dec. 7, 2011
Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 9, 2011
Chicken at Very Good Recipes
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  1. nice post. Now you can use this b2b trade directory to promote edible oils import & export business.

  2. I LOVE chicken enchiladas and this recipe is way easier than the way I currently make them. I can't wait to try it out.

    I'm assuming the Mexican blend cheese is 1 1/2 cups right?

  3. Lol, yes. Thanks for pointing that out. Editing now :)

  4. Looks great Krista. BTW, how is that eRecipe.com? They contacted me and I signed up but haven't posted anything yet. Been swamped. Is it easy to use? It certainly is a nice touch. :)

  5. Looks delicious. Perfect for a hungry family. Come over and visit us and check out or pretzel Heath bark. And be sure to register to win our great party dress giveaway. Tomorrow is the last day to register. Look for the Shabby Apple post and register!

  6. Looks delicious! I'm sure that cream cheese is really good in the recipe. I'll have to try that! I've seen them in the store, just haven't used them yet!
    Thanks for sharing!


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