Sunday, November 13, 2011

Taekwondo Wore Me Out!

I apologize to everyone who has stopped here looking for Church Supper! I am exhausted from being gone all day Saturday at a Taekwon Do tournament. But it was SO worth every minute! (Not to mention getting up at 5am on a Saturday!) My little monkey placed 3rd in Forms (the technical aspect) and 2nd in Sparring (hand to hand fighting). Plus his Daddy placed 3rd in Sparring also! It was a wonderful day and this Everyday Mommy couldn't be more proud! Congratulations to both of my "boys"!!!! Please come back next week for another Church Supper, and as always I wish you God's blessings all week long!

3rd Place Forms

2nd Place Sparring

Monkey and Mommy

Silver and Bronze Medalists


  1. What a coincidence! I was off at a TaeKwonDo tournament yesterday with my boy :) ... it was an awesome experience. Congrats to your guys.

  2. Congrats to your guys; you look so proud of them!

  3. Congratulations o both of them!!!have a good day to you proud mom!!


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