Friday, November 18, 2011

Periodical Treat

On my parents' last trip to Pennsylvania to visit my grandma, she loaded their van w/ a lot of treats for those of us back in Indiana. Sweet rolls and breads, cookies, spaghetti sauce and just for me...a bag full of past issues of cooking magazines. When my mom gave them to me, you would have thought it was Christmas morning. I was SO excited. I love browsing foodie magazines, but never take the extra money to buy them, unless it's from the used book store, which is great, but they don't always have a steady supply. This stack is going to keep me occupied for a good amount of time. One of them, a Taste of Home, from last November was dedicated to, what else, Thanksgiving and lots of ideas for the holiday. I was instantly drawn to one of them using butternut squash. We still have a few from the garden sitting in our fridge that need to be used; and at this point, I'll try just about anything so they won't go to waste. The half and half gives it a creamy texture while the honey adds just a touch of sweet, both being nice additions to our usual squash routine. Thanks for the magazines Grammy! Sometimes the simplest things are the nicest treats!

Honey-Thyme Butternut Squash Adapted from Taste of Home

1 medium butternut squash, peeled and cubed
3 TBS butter
1 1/2 TBS half and half
1 TBS honey
1 tsp. dried parsley
1/8 tsp dried thyme
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cover the squash w/ water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook until tender, about 8-10 minutes. Drain well. Return to pot and mash w/ a potato masher. Add remaining ingredients and continue to mash to desired consistency. (If you like it extra smooth, beat w/ electric mixer) Garnish w/ extra parsley. This can be made ahead and then reheated in oven or microwave.

Shared on Jane Deere Nov. 18, 2011
Shared on The Country Cook Nov. 18, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Nov. 21, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy Nov. 21, 2011
Squash at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Sounds like a great combination of flavors.

  2. Yay!! You linked it up!! Thanks girl!! Looks good and I just love butternut squash too!!

  3. This sounds so delicious. I love butternut squash and want to give this a try sometime.

  4. There's nothing better than a big stack of food magazines to relax and gain inspiration!

    I love this recipe. I've just recently discovered butternut squash and can't wait to try with honey and thyme!


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