Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Aim To Please

I would venture to guess that 85% of what I cook is b/c it's something I decided to make. I'm not saying it is always for me per say, but I make the meal plans. The other 15% are things Adam or Alex ask for, are hungry for or want me to try. A couple weeks ago, Alex asked me "Mommy, can you make honey glazed chicken wings." Out of the blue, and very to the point. He never said why, or where he got the idea, but he was adamant he wanted to try them, and just knew I could find a recipe. So being the pleasing Mommy I am (or try to be) I was off to just that. My 2 criteria were: I didn't want a recipe that would make a ton (many chicken wing recipes I've seen call for pounds and pounds for a party) and I wanted one that could be done in the oven or on the stove top. I'm sure they would be incredibly tasty off the grill, but w/ the fall weather being so unpredictable I didn't want to take the chance of having to prepare supper under an umbrella. I will grill in the snow, heck, we've been known to grill during a blizzard (true story, I have pictures), but not in the rain. After searching my regular resources I found just what I wanted at, with both criteria met. Plus, another advantage of knowing you can cook these in the oven is I know we can enjoy them all winter long, and even take them to parties and cook them off when we get there. (Not everyone is crazy like us has access to their grill in the middle of winter.) These were a huge hit w/ all of us; and Alex said they were just what he was wanted. Whew.....that "Awesome Mom" coffee mug I have proudly displayed can live to see another day!

Honey Glazed Wings from

1 package chicken wings (about 2-3 lbs)
1/2 c. honey, melted (Microwave for about a minute to loosen up)
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 large garlic clove, minced
2 TBS ketchup
2 tsp. vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper

Cut the tips off the wings and cut each into 2 pieces (a wing piece and a drumette). Preheat oven to 375. Place chicken in a 9x11 baking dish, drizzle w/ oil, and season w/ salt and pepper. Using your hands, coat meat well. Combine honey, soy, garlic and ketchup and whisk well. Pour over chicken. Bake for 1 hour  until brown, crispy and cooked through. 

Shared on It's A Keeper Nov. 3, 2011
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Nov. 3, 2011
Shared on A Little Nosh Nov. 3, 2011
Shared on Bacon Time Nov. 4, 2011
Shared on Six Sisters' Stuff Nov. 5, 2011

Chicken at Very Good Recipes
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  1. We are a chicken loving family! And I just KNOW my hubby will lick the plate after eating these!

  2. These look really good. We eat chicken about 4 times a week, so I might have to toss this into the line up soon. Thanks for sharing. Popping over from A Little Nosh. :)

  3. Great game food for the crowd coming to watch the game. They look delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon.
    Miz Helen

  4. Hi Krista,

    Stopping by for the first time! Sweet blog and delicious wing recipe. Looks like Alex asked for just the right dinner and you made his heart and tummy happy! :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  5. I'm not really a wing fan, but I bet this glaze would be fantastic on drumsticks.

    Thanks for linking up at A Little Nosh this week!


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