Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Cake By Any Other Name....

I've noticed a few things the more food blogs I'm reading, the more connections I'm making and the more cooking trends I'm learning. There are quite a few recipes that pop up over and over again, and either are the exact same, but w/ a different name, or are tweeked just a bit to make them more personal to the cook. I think this is great. To me, it's not copying, or stealing it's simply that this GREAT big world of ours, gets a little smaller every time we pick up a fork. I think it's wonderful that a dish that can be eaten in Indiana, is also being eaten across the country, or even across the world, and even though it might be called something else, in a way, it is uniting us. This cake is an example of that. Not only has it popped up in my life at least 10 times in the past couple weeks, but each time, it's called something different and until the first time I saw it, I never had. So it was this brand new thing that all of sudden was every where! The first time I saw it, it was called "Better Than S** Cake". I'll let you guess the other 2 letters. Now I don't have a problem w/ that, and I actually chuckled when I read it, but since I am a mom I didn't think that was the best thing to have on a recipe card sitting in my kitchen waiting for my son to read :) And I must not be the only one who felt that way b/c the next time I saw it, that word was substituted for "nap"---obviously another mom had to come up w/ that! So I have decided on my own name, true to myself and a guilty pleasure of mine (I do love me a new Coach handbag) but whatever you call it, it is delicious and almost too sinful to eat----almost!

Better Than Coach Cake

1 Devil's food cake mix (these are what my mix called for, check your box)
3 eggs
1 1/3 c. water
1/2 c. oil
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 jar caramel ice cream topping
1 bag crushed Heath bar topping (if you can't find the bag, 4 bars)
1 8 oz. Cool Whip

Prepare cake according to package directions. Let cool for 5 minutes. With a butter knife, poke holes in top, about an inch deep. Try not to poke the whole way through. Pour 1/2 of the can of milk over. Drizzle w/ caramel topping. I didn't measure this. Add a layer of Heath bar. Let cool rest of way.  Spread Cool Whip evenly over top to "frost" and add remaining Heath bar to top.

Of course I had to include Coach in the picture!

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Something Swanky Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Prairie Story Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Comfy Cuisine Aug. 11, 2011
Shared on Mangoes and Chutney Aug. 12, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper Aug. 12, 2011
Shared on Sweet As Sugar Cookies Aug. 13, 2011
Shared on Home Savvy Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on The Saturday Evening Pot Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on Jam Hands Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on My Faith and Family Aug. 15, 2011
Shared on Nap Time Creations Aug. 16, 2011
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Aug. 16, 2011
Shared on Hugs & Cookies Aug. 17, 2011

Around My Family Table

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  1. I've been making this cake for years. I too first learned of it as "Better Than S** Cake" but too my kids have called it "Better than Anything Video Games Cake" LOL! I did try something different, I found a caramel / butterscotch ice cream topping, it was divine!

  2. Just too funny...

    HMMM... Mybe I need to post my version of a better than Jerk-Pineapple Chicken Wings Cake

  3. Oh, this looks heavenly, Krista! Popping over from Brandie's blog to say hello...and nice to find another Hoosier blogger :) I'm in Indy~

  4. This lis adorable and I love the way you write. I truly have loved making the connections I have and I really think that little fork bonds us all! I have given you a "Cute Little Chef" Blog Award. You can get the award here:

  5. @ Lizzy!! Hello fellow Hoosier! My husbands brother, sister and their spouses are all in Indy! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. @ Laura, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You absolutely made my week. It's been kind of rough around here this week, and I needed that. Tons of foodie huggies (as my son calls them) back at you!

  7. Caramel and heath bar, yummy! Thanks for linking to Fat Camp Friday, see you next week!

  8. Hi Krista,
    This looks like a very rich treat. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday!
    See you soon,
    Miz Helen

  9. This looks fantastic! Can't wait to make it!


  11. I love how you've changed the name to save an awkward moment! That's awesome. This is a fantastic cake, isn't it? Thanks for reminding me that I have yet to make this for my family. Have a great evening!

  12. LOL - My daughter might not agree that anything is better than Coach. ;)

    First time I had a cake by this name was at church - LOL! Thanks for the reminder of how good it is - I am going to have to make it soon.

  13. Thanks for sharing at Menu Monday! I'd like to invite you back for this weeks Menu Monday recipe link up: Hope to see you there!


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