Monday, July 18, 2011

Loving Louisana

"Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez".....As they say in New Orleans "Let The Good Times Roll". Could there be a more perfect slogan for a city that comes alive w/ celebration, drink and food? Now you want to know the funny part? I've never been to New Orleans. Never been to Louisiana! But Adam has and he has wonderful memories of the visits in order to see his Aunt Margo. She was born and raised in the farm country of Indiana, and while she resides in the Sunshine State now, most of her years, and I think probably what she would call her happiest, were spent in Louisiana. Well, now Adam's Aunt Margo is my Aunt Margo too--she is one of my favorite people in the entire world. To use something she says to Alex all the time "I love her as big as the sky forever and ever!" One of the things Adam loved about those visits was the incredible food he was introduced to. Benet's, crawfish, po boys, crab legs, mufalettas---each one was a favorite indulgence of his. And he has taken it upon himself over the years to introduce me to as many as possible; and now one of my favorites too are crab legs. Sweet, succulent, mouth waters just thinking of them. And wouldn't you know, the first time Alex tasted them he was hooked too. While we were in FL he begged his dad to get a bucket of them and "share" w/ him. Yeah, Alex ended up eating 3/4 of the bucket! Adam enjoyed the corn and potatoes they came with though. LOL So as an extra special treat this week Mommy decided it was time for a traditional crab boil, right here in Indiana. We might not have the excitement of the French Quarter, or the nightlife of New Orleans, but we can still cook up some good food, enjoy it w/ loved ones and make some memories of our own. We'll be thinking of Aunt Margo while we "boil" away, smiling the whole time b/c we know she would be right here w/ us if she could! Let the Good Times Roll, indeed!!

Garlic Crab Legs Adapted from

3 1/2 lbs crab legs w/ shell (we use snow crab)
5 ears fresh corn
1 lb baby white potatoes
1 1/2 c. butter
3 tsp minced garlic
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 tsp Old Bay Seasoning, or to taste
Melted better for dipping
Lemon quarters

In a very large stock pot, bring a large amount of water to boil. Place the crab legs, corn and potatoes in boiling water. (If you don't have a pot large enough, separate pots). Boil until corn and potatoes are tender and crab is opaque and flaky. The crab may finish before the corn. Check every 5 minutes to check tenderness. Drain well. In a large pan melt butter, garlic, red pepper flakes and Old Bay Seasoning. Saute corn and crab for 5 minutes.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals July 18, 2011
Shared on Celebrating Family July 19, 2011
Shared on This Chick Cooks July 20, 2011
Shared on Lark's Country Heart July 20, 2011
Shared on Gooseberry Patch July 20, 2011
Shared on Around My Family Table July 21, 2011
Shared on It's A Keeper July 21, 2011


  1. look so good!!oh my mouth water & makes me hungry :)

  2. I really want these! Not a good craving to have at 10:30 at night :). Coming over from It's a Keeper.

  3. This may sound silly, but I love all things crab but have never had crab legs. This recipe looks really, really good. I need to hop on over to your house the next time you serve it!


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