Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Planning

For the past 9 months I've been so concerned w/ what is going into Alex's lunch that for me and my midday meal, it's whatever is in the fridge. I just don't really worry about lunch for me. I'm good w/ a pb&j or some leftovers from the night before. But this all ends on June 13th. Yes, my child is finally getting out of school. (I think it being the 2nd week of school is just cruel, but I try not to complain b/c the snow days he was home he was safe). So that means for the next 2 months we'll be having lunch together:) That makes me smile. I miss the little guy when he's not here! But for summer meals, I try to just have stuff on hand that we both like, are quick, easy and "light" since neither of us enjoy heavy meals when it's too hot. (And no Mommy isn't eating Lunchables all summer!) So I'm always on the look out for thins that meet the bill, and the May issues of Rachael Ray had 2 recipes in it I think will be perfect. The first is more of a "snack" type, but we'll be using it as a veggie side (just b/c lunch is quick, doesn't mean we don't try to have balanced) and the other is a cool sandwich I know Alex will love. (Everything is more fun when it's rolled up!) Plus they both will be great for when we decide to go on a "Mommy & Monkey" picnic--one of our favorite summer time activities. Ah....can't wait until next week:)

Blue Cheese Stuffed Celery

4 oz. softened cream cheese
1/2 c. crumbled blue cheese
1/2 c. chopped pecans
2 TBS chopped dried cranberries
pepper to taste

Combine cheeses, pecans & cranberries. Spread on celery. Top w/ pepper.

Blue Cheese- جبنه معفنه, روكفور on FoodistaBlue Cheese- جبنه معفنه, روكفور

Turkey Wrap

1/4 c. chopped cucumber
4 TBS softened cream cheese
3 large flour tortillas
1/4 lb. sliced smoked turkey breast

Stir cucumber into cream cheese, spread on tortillas, layer w/ turkey slices and roll up. Cut into pieces.

Cucumber on FoodistaCucumber

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