Thursday, June 16, 2011

Miss Threadgoode Would Be Proud

For those of you who haven't gone through a box of tissues while watching "Fried Green Tomatoes", stop what you're doing right now and go rent it. I'm serious. Turn off the computer, get the movie, a big box of Kleenex and see what the rest of us know--it's one of the best movies of our time! My love for these summer treat comes from my grandma and mom. All of the Powell women crave these, but due to diabetes, unfortunately I'm the only one left who can eat them. (If you try these, you'll realize just how sad that is). People have asked me "what do they taste like". Well, describing them to someone who has never had the pleasure is kind of like trying to describe a beautiful sunrise to someone who has never seen one. I can try, but you will never fully understand until you taste them. They are tangy, but sweet at the same time. They are crunchy, but also tender. See, it's not easy and any description I give you won't even come close to how good they truly are. I've brought the love of these into my marriage; and now my husband and child are fans too. Green tomatoes are one of the first things we try to find when we visit a farmer's market; and both of them know they first dozen or so tomatoes they grow in their garden won't make it past the green stage b/c I'm taking them to fry up of a batch of these! There are a lot of good recipes out there, simple to fancy, but this is the one I've always used and it's our favorite. So if you need a snack while watching the tear jerker by the same name, make these, then grab the tissues!

Fried Green Tomatoes

4 large green tomatoes
2 eggs
1/2 c. milk
1 c. all purpose flour
1 c. breadcrumbs
vegetable oil for frying
salt/pepper to taste.

Slice the tomatoes to whatever thickness you like. We like them medium, about 1/2 inch thick. Mix milk w/ egg. Place flour in bowl. Place breadcrumbs in another bowl. Season EACH of these w/ salt and pepper. Dredge slices into flour, then dip into egg mixtures, and then breadcrumbs to completely coat. Fry in 1/2 inch hot oil (I use my electric skillet set at 325) until brown on both sides. Do not crowd them. Drain on a platter w/ paper towel. Season w/ salt.

Green Tomato on FoodistaGreen Tomato


  1. Yep, one of my favorite treats!

  2. can't wait to try them-Karen

  3. Love the movie. Going to have to give your recipe a try. I tried to make these once before using a different recipe and the results were disgusting.

  4. Thanks for linking up to Turning the Table Thursday. Link up anytime. In fact...I would like to feature your blog next week. Please email with a link to what you'd like to link up and a short paragraph about you and your blog to:

    Around My Family Table

  5. I love fried green tomatoes! And every time I eat them I think about the movie which is good too. They are good with goat cheese too!


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