Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fa La La La La La La La

Yep, my favorite time of year is once again here! I love Christmas. And when I say love, I mean LOVE. I adore everything about it. The spirit of goodwill in the air, the lights, the food, the festivities, picking out the perfect gift, the sparkle and joy in my son's eyes, celebrating Christ's birth....EVERYTHING. So there is a good chance between now and Dec. 25th, a majority of my posts will be Christmas related :-)
The first is actually a decorating project that involves food. When I was little our church had an Advent Workshop each year before Christmas. There were crafts, food, and a ton of holiday activities for kids. I always looked forward to it and it was one of the highlights of the season for me. These were something I made each year and can't wait to share them w/ Alex this year!

Applesauce Ornaments
1 lb. jar sweetened applesauce, drained
8 oz. ground cinnamon

In a mixing bowl, gradually combine applesauce w/ ground cinnamon, alternating until consistency of cookie dough.

Measure out 1 cup of mixture & pat into dough until 1/4 inch thick on wax paper.

Cut w/ cookie cutters. Make a hole in each w/ a toothpick at the top.

Dry in a warm place for a week, turning every day.

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