Friday, August 6, 2010

The Final Installment

Sometimes I think one of the hardest things to plan for a party are the drinks. There are so many things to choose from and consider. Alcohol? No alcohol? Soda? Cans? Bottles? Water? Tea? can become very wasteful if you aren't careful. I love when I go to a party and there is punch. I don't know why. Maybe it takes me back to my childhood when my Grammy would make her Christmas punch and I could seriously drink a 5 gallon bucket full :-) We had punch at my bridal shower and then I requested the same kind at Alex's first birthday party when my mother-in-law was helping me. You can imagine how excited I was when the first thing I was offered to drink at the shower was PUNCH!!!! It was delicious and refreshing, and is the final recipe I'm sharing from that day. Congratulations to Charla and Joel--may your years together only be out lived by your love for one another!

Orange Punch
2 pkgs orange Kool Aid
1 small can pineapple juice
5 cups sugar
1 qt. orange or rainbow sherbet
1 large bottle ginger ale
1 can frozen orange juice
18 cups water

Mix all ingredients together except ginger ale, which you add right before serving.

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