Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Just Threw A Plate On The Floor....

Okay, not really. But when prepping our Greek inspired meal for tonight, I felt like I should be :-)

We are huge fans of Greek food, especially Gyros. There is a great place here in Fort Wayne, King Gyros that serves them like no one else and it's a treat to be able to go there. But I wanted to be able to serve something similar here at home. So when we found ground lamb @ our local butcher the idea of making a burger that has the same flavors as a gyro came to mind. This will be the first time I've made them, so experimentation is my friend. Hopefully they taste as good as they sound in my mind.

Gyro Burgers
1 lb. ground lamb
1 1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt

Combine all ingredients and form into patties. Grill until all juices run clear, about 2 minutes on each side. Serve on buns or in pita pockets w/ sliced tomatoes and sliced white onions and cucumber sauce (see recipe below)

* This is my variation on several recipes I found on Greek seasonings and cooking times for lamb burgers.*

*I am serving them on buns, but if you prefer pita pockets, you might want to make a more oval shaped burger to fit better. And I'm serving them with tomatoes and onion b/c that is what comes on the gyros we like.*

Tzatziki Sauce
16 oz Greek Yogurt (or plain regular yogurt)
4-10 cloves garlic finely chopped ( I used 6 and I grated them)
1/2 cup diced cucumber (seeds removed)
1 TBS olive oil
2 tsp lemon juice

Prepare all ingredients in advance. Combine oil and lemon juice in mixing bowl. Fold in yogurt makes sure it mixes completely w/ oil. Add garlic and cucumber and mix well. Chill for several hours.

*The grocery store was out of Greek yogurt when I went so I used Dannon Plain Yogurt*


  1. If you can't get Greek yogurt and prefer the thicker texture of it, try putting regular yogurt in a strainer (I've used paper towels in the strainer) to drain out some of the excess fluid. The resulting yogurt is thicker and the texture more like Greek yogurt.

  2. Thanks! I did notice it wasn't as thick as the traditional sauce we get at the restaurant. The taste was still there, but a thicker texture would have been nice. I'll try this next time!


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