Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hello Summer Vacation

 I was shocked when I began to write this post and realized I haven't published a new recipe since February! It certainly wasn't my intent, but what can I say? Life is busy and some times things you love get put on the back burner. I don't like admitting I can't do it all, but with all of my other jobs and responsibilities, testing new recipes just doesn't happen like it used to. 

So thank you to all of you who have stuck around and keep following even when I seem to disappear for a while. I'm hoping to publish more new stuff this summer, so stay tuned! 

Speaking of summer, we are SO happy school is out and we are on total break mode. We've actually been out for a couple weeks now, trying to fit in as much fun as we can. Plus, Bubbie is home, and while he's working a lot, he is still finding time to hang out with us too, so my mama heart is full!

With warm weather here, cookout season in full swing and July 4th just around the corner, I thought it was a great time to share a new summer salad! This has a cabbage base, fresh veggies, Asian flavors and an extra crunch from nuts too. 

I served this with some frozen egg rolls and dumplings for a super easy weeknight supper, but it would be a great take-along to any summer gathering, plus with no mayonnaise, it is one you don't have to worry about on a hot day! 

I wish I could say these long periods with no new recipes won't happen again, but let's face it, they probably will. Life is hectic, and we all do what we can in the time we have! But you can always find me posting stuff on Facebook and Instagram too, so even if the blog itself is a little slow, I'm still around every single day! 

What kind of cabbage to use?

I used green cabbage, but napa would be delicious too. Purple would add a lovely color as well.

Why two different oils?
Olive oil is what you want to make a dressing with. Sesame oil is used sparingly in recipes as a finishing oil or for flavor. 

Where can I find sesame oil?

In the Asian food section of the grocery store, or your local Asian market. One bottle will last a while, so make the investment! 

Can I use a different nut?

Sure! Swap the almonds for roasted salted peanuts! 

Where can I find sesame seeds?

In my local Walmart they are in the baking aisle with other herbs and spices. I've also seen them on the Asian foods aisle.

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad

 Best Tips

Feel free to shred your own cabbage, but the bagged stuff saves time! You can even use the tri-color coleslaw mix! 

If you use low sodium soy sauce, you might need to add a little extra salt for flavor. 

If you use a regular cucumber, be sure to peel and remove the seeds. 

My husband added hot sauce to his and said it is delicious spicy!

Sesame oil has a strong flavor. Start by adding 2 teaspoons and add more if desired. 

Serve this as a side dish with some egg rolls or steamed dumplings. Or take it to your next cookout as a summer salad!

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad

2 (10 oz.) bags shredded cabbage

1 English cucumber, diced

1 red pepper, diced

2 medium carrots, grated

2 TBS dried parsley

3/4 cup sliced almonds

1/4 cup olive oil

2 TBS soy sauce

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 TBS honey

Juice of 1 lemon

2-3 tsp. sesame oil

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 TBS sesame seeds

In a large bowl combine cabbage, carrots, cucumber, red pepper, parsley and almonds. In a small jar combine olive oil, soy sauce, honey, garlic, lemon juice, sesame oil, salt and pepper. Shake well. Pour over salad. Mix well. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Chill at least 1 hour before serving. 

Summer Asian Cabbage Salad-EMM